
Merci aux visiteurs du SIDIM 2015

Le 21-22-23 mai dernier avait lieu la 27e édition du Salon International du Design intérieur de Montréal à la Place Bonaventure. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015/Author: Virginie/Number of views (9494)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Uncategorized

INIVATION to all of our clients, designers and architects!

The Summum Granit team welcomes you to the 27th edition of the du SALON INTERNATIONAL DU DESIGN INTÉRIEUR DE MONTRÉAL (SIDIM)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (21247)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Uncategorized

Amazing Happy Hour!

Last March 18th, at their Quebec branch, Summum Granit held an amazing Happy Hour!

Friday, March 20, 2015/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (8646)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Uncategorized

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